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Interface Stream

A Stream represents a single open streaming pipeline with dfuse API. On a single WebSocket connection, there is multiple streams active, each it his own request ID. Routing of messages from the WebSocket to the right stream instance is done this way.

With this interface, you can control some aspects of the lifecycle of a dfuse Stream. You can restart it at a given location when the socket reconnects. You can also close the stream once it's not needed anymore.




  • Stream

Implemented by



Readonly id

id: string

Represents the request id used to identify this stream across all viable streams.

Should be unique among a common pool of Stream.

Optional onPostRestart

onPostRestart: OnStreamRestart

The current OnStreamRestart callback currently registered by this Stream. When set to something, it will be invoked after a successful restart of a stream (to be precise, after succesfully sent the listen dfuse Stream message on the WebSocket without known if the remote end has actually received yet).

There can be only one active onPostRestart handler for a given Stream. When set on the Stream instance.



  • close(options?: undefined | { error?: Error }): Promise<void>
  • Close the stream. Once closed, the stream is not usable as an object and should be discarded.

    This closes the socket connection at the same time in the event there is no more stream connected.

    One can pass the optional options.error value to let the stream client managing the stream if this was caused by an error or not. When the options.error is set, it will usually be passed to the join promise which will be rejected.


    • Optional options: undefined | { error?: Error }

      (optional) Optional parameters

    Returns Promise<void>


  • The current active marker as last marked on this stream. If undefined, it means the marker was never set.

    Returns undefined | StreamMarker


  • join(): Promise<void>
  • Join the corresponding stream, waiting for it's completion or for an error to occur. This promise will resolve only when the stream terminates, via any code path.

    The code path that can terminate a stream:

    • Someone called the close method on the stream.
    • The stream received a complete message indicating the end of the stream.
    • The stream received a terminating error message that forces the stream to stop.
    • The socket disconnects (whatever the cause, client or server side) and automatic re-connection is not enabled.

    In the even that disconnection was not abnormal or that the stream was close with the options.error being set (i.e. stream.close({ error: new Error(...) }))) the the promise will reject with the error being set.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • Mark the stream at this giving block num. If you mark to tell the library that every block before this one (atBlockNum exclusive) were seen and should not be processed anymore.

    When restarting, if you provide no argument, the stream will restart at this exact marker, giving you blocks that were missed while disconnected.


    • marker: StreamMarker

      The marker object to use to mark the stream. Can be either the object { cursor: string } or the object { atBlockNum: number }.

    Returns void


  • Restart a stream after it has been disconnect. This re-sends the original registration message along any start marker information (start_block argument dfuse Stream API or cursor variable for dfuse GraphQL API).

    If you pass a StreamMarker, the marker is used to determine the the right value to pick.

    If you do not pass any argument, the last marker set on this stream instance (by calling mark) will be used if defined.

    If there is no argument and the stream was never marked for progress, then it sends the original message as-is, and blocks not seen while disconnected will not be re-processed. If it's not valid for your use case, ensure to either mark the stream to start back at that point, or use a marker when re-connecting.

    If the stream marker is invalid for the stream client, this will reject the promise with an appropriate error message.


    Returns Promise<void>

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